Strontium (Sr)

Strontium (Sr) is correlated with calcium levels in the hair, and is one of the essential bone nutrients. Chemically, Sr is similar to calcium and boron, and Sr can replace calcium in many biological … [Read more...]

Selenium (Se)

Selenium (Se) is an essential element, but it is also one of the most toxic when exposure is excessive. Low Se levels in the body are reflective of dietary intake and associated with cardiovascular … [Read more...]

Phosphorus (P)

Phosphorus (P) levels in the body depend on many things, primarily, they reflect the interactions of P with calcium and vitamin D. P is one of the many important bone nutrients, and is a major … [Read more...]

Lithium (Li)

Lithium (Li) is a natural, essential element for body function, and is an important nutrient for brain and hormone development. Natural lithium is very different from Li carbonate forms used in … [Read more...]