Vanadium (V) is a blood sugar nutrient, and it has direct effects on thyroid metabolism and insulin production. V assists in the regulation of sodium and potassium.
Food sources of V are:
- liver
- fish
- radishes
- nuts
- natural vegetable oils
Excess V can have toxic effects on the body, and over supplementation should be monitored; it is recommended to have a hair analysis done to check V levels. Excess levels in the body can result from chronic consumption of the following seafood derived from waters near offshore oil rigs:
- fish
- shrimp
- crab
- oysters
Industrial/environmental sources of V include:
- processing of mineral ores
- phosphate fertilizers
- combustion of oil and coal
- production of steel
- chemicals used in the fixation of dyes and print
Symptoms of V toxicity vary with the chemical form and route of absorption, but include:
- respiratory irritation and bronchitis
- decreased appetite
- depressed growth
- diarrhea/GI disturbances
- renal failure
Early signs of V excess include:
- green tongue
- diarrhea
- paleness of the skin