Detoxification and Nutrition

If you are experiencing headaches, vertigo, hearing loss, sleep disorders, moodiness, weight gain, and other unusual health symptoms that are not normal for you, toxins are most probably at the root … [Read more...]

Essential Nutrients

Do you know which nutrients your body needs? Do you know the levels of all your essential nutrients, and are you really getting the right ones? Essential nutrients are those nutrients derived from … [Read more...]

Nutrition and Vitamins

Vitamin and mineral supplements are a wonderful addition to anyone’s lifestyle. They are a lifetime maintenance program and “insurance policy” to secure health and wellness. Vitamins should be a part … [Read more...]

Submitting Health Info

Our patient health form is one of the most unique aspects of Dr. Hull's Hair Analysis Service and uniquely differentiates Dr. Hull from other nutritional practitioners. The hair analysis can be an … [Read more...]