Mercury poisoning often goes undetected because the health symptoms do not necessarily show up immediately.
Symptoms and Sources
Mercury poisoning can lead to health symptoms such as:
- Anxiety,
- Depression,
- Confusion,
- Irritability,
- Insecurity and phobias,
- Malaise and fatigue.
Below is a list of sources where mercury can be found:
- Adhesives
- Air conditioner filters
- Body powders
- Broken thermometer
- Cosmetics
- Dental fillings
- Diuretics
- Fabric softeners
- Felt floor waxes
- Polishes
- Fungicides
- Inoculations
- Industrial wastes
- Laxatives
- Mercurochrome
- Paints
- Photoengravings
- Psoriatic ointments
- Seafood
- Sewage disposal
- Skin lightening cream
- Tanning leather
- Tattooing
- Wood preservatives