About Dr. Hull

A picture of Dr. Hull

Dr. Janet Starr Hull

Janet Starr Hull has a very diverse background with academic degrees and experience in geology, international geography, environmental science, fitness training and nutrition. She is an OSHA Certified Environmental Hazardous Waste Emergency Response Specialist and Toxicologist (HAZWOPER), a former firefighter, author, and college professor.

In 1991, Dr. Hull had an unexpected change in career after she was diagnosed with “incurable” Grave’s Disease. Through her diligent research and  thorough understanding of toxicity, she discovered that her “Grave’s Disease” was actually aspartame poisoning. She has since dedicated her work to informing others about the health dangers of aspartame and the artificial sweeteners.

Dr. Hull’s experiences have provided pieces to a life-long puzzle – the damaging effects of artificial sweeteners. She combined her many skills to form a unique application to natural medicine and holistic nutrition. Her work is based upon the interrelationships of all the sciences as she personally discovered “what works in nature, can surely work in man.”

Education and Experience

Before graduating from high school, Dr. Hull studied classical piano and vocal training. She won the Texas State Gold Medal for vocal solo performance at the age of 14.

She received a Bachelors of Science in International Geography at The University of Texas at Austin, and after graduation, she went to work for Sun Oil Company as a uranium geologist.

Dr. Hull earned a Master’s Degree in Earth Science from Texas A & M University. 

Dr. Hull was a geography professor at The University of North Texas when she became deathly ill from aspartame poisoning. After her recovery and “enlightening” experience with aspartame, she researched graduate degrees in holistic medicine. She discovered that only three colleges in the USA offered nutrition degrees, and then selected one of the finest PhD programs in holistic nutrition at Clayton College of Natural Health. After two years of diligent study, Dr. Hull received a Ph.D. in Holistic Nutrition with Highest Honors

Hull received her License and Certification in Clinical Nutrition from the American Health Science University.

Dr. Hull is a licensed firefighter, EMT and federally certified Hazardous Waste and Emergency Response Specialist, certified fitness instructor and personal trainer. In the early 1990s, she was one of the first American environmental engineers to work on the remediation of the former Soviet army bases in Eastern Europe.

Her various academic degrees and personal experiences have provided Dr. Hull with an understanding of the chemical causes at the root of human disease.

Lets Get Started

Dr. Hull's Hair Test is $180 USD which includes a lab report and her detailed interpretation with nutrition recommendations.