If you are considering becoming pregnant, the time to clean up your body is BEFORE pregnancy, and this way, the baby can come into the world as clean on the inside as it is on the outside.
Toxins in the mother can, and will, penetrate the placenta, and toxins can, and will, circulate through the bloodstreams of both mother and child. If you are thinking about getting pregnant, have a hair analysis performed first, and if you need to detox heavy metals or other toxins from your body, detox for at least two months before you conceive. The hair analysis is the best way to tell if toxins are within your blood or body organs, and it will show what those toxins are.
In modern times, most adults have adjusted to various health stresses by simply adapting to them, by accepting that they have no choice but to “live” with them, and they mask the worst of their symptoms with pain relievers, sleep aids, and a plethora of mediations that place a band-aid on the real issue – what’s causing these symptoms.
Before you pass toxins on to a fetus, remember that aluminum, antimony, arsenic, bismuth, cadmium, lead, mercury, platinum, uranium, nickel, silver, tin, copper, and titanium can be passed from mother to child in vitro.