Sample Report On An Aspartame User

A Doctor's Data hair analysis report.

A hair analysis report showing the toxic effects of aspartame. Notice that the toxic metals are down except for aluminum found in diet cola cans.

I always consider the health affects from ALL toxic sources when doing a hair analysis, but the use of diet sweetener chemicals can affect your toxic load. Click here to see sample hair report of an aspartame user.

Aspartame by-products will not show up in the hair because they remain in the body. Hence, its serious level of toxicity.

What typically does show up on a hair analysis report are low toxic levels and low nutrient levels. And the most common metal that is high is aluminum from diet cola cans.

When aspartame is used, the blood sugar nutrients are commonly low, which are chromium, vanadium, zinc and molybdenum.

If sucralose is often used, the barium levels (a breakdown of chlorine) are typically elevated in the hair report.

If you use the diet sweeteners and are experiencing chronic health symptoms, yet nothing is showing up on traditional medical lab tests, AND your toxic levels are low on a hair analysis, focus on the toxic effect of the diet sweeteners as the cause of chronic health symptoms.


The methanol in aspartame has been proven in research studies to cause:

  1. hair loss
  2. vision problems
  3. MS symptoms
  4. headaches and migraines
  5. thyroid and hormone imbalances
  6. nerve damage
  7. dementia and memory loss
  8. emotional imbalances
  9. skin issues
  10. cancer
  11. weight gain

Common Health Symptoms

the artificial sweeteners and most toxic food chemicals (i.e. aspartame, sucralose, ace-K, food colorings, preservatives, chemical fillers) interfere with proper digestion and the absorption of nutrients. The diet sweeteners typically disrupt normal blood sugar levels, the insulin cycle, and the assimilation of glucose.

When the toxic chemicals in aspartame breakdown inside of your body, they remain in the body and do not excrete; hence, its extreme toxicity.

How The Hair Analysis Helps

When aspartame is used and health symptoms are present, I compare (from the hair analysis results) your level of metals with your nutrient levels, and I then compare those levels to your health symptoms. From this comparison, I can see how the chemicals in the diet sweeteners are impacting your body’s nutrient levels.

From this presentation, I can gauge the degree of the adverse health effects caused by the diet sweetener, and I can tell which body system is taking a “hit.”

Diet sweeteners typically impact blood sugar and hormone nutrients; hence, the hair test results will show these adverse affects.

Detoxing From Diet Sweeteners

The Detox of aspartame (and all diet chemicals) can take up to one year depending on how long you used the diet sweeteners and how much you used daily. Most health symptoms will lessen within 6-weeks if you avoid ALL diet chemicals completely. It is common to experience flu-like symptoms during the first few days of aspartame withdrawal.

Avoiding The Diet Sweeteners

Many people have used the chemical sweeteners for many years, so read all of your labels carefully for hidden sweeteners and other chemical food additives.

Common foods like gums, breads, yogurt, many medications, and some vitamins have artificial sweeteners in them. Food chemicals and diet sweeteners  have been proven in laboratory studies to aggravate your health symptoms and to create an increase in simple carb cravings.

Hence, diet sweeteners have been proven to cause weight gain.

Powdered Sweeteners

I have observed that people consuming the powdered forms of aspartame (Equal® and Crystal Lite®, for example) demonstrate stronger adverse health reactions. Most anything in powdered form is more potent than the dissolved forms.


Elevated barium levels on a hair analysis can indicate absorption of the chlorine in sucralose, found in Splenda®. Ovarian cysts, prostate and hormone issues, bladder and kidney pain are common reactions to the sucralose in Splenda.

Better Sweetener Choices

Stevia or saccharin are actually better choices for people who are not willing to give up the colored sweetener packets.

Saccharin is no longer manufactured as it was originally 100 years ago as all natural, but it never caused cancer as once promoted, and the FDA lifted the cancer warning from the packets in 2001.

When stevia is left unadulterated, this natural sweet herb is a wonderful sweetener choice. Just use a pinch, though. Stevia is very sweet, but is actually used as a treatment for diabetes and gum disease. Talk about a healthy sugar alternative…..


Lets Get Started

Dr. Hull's Hair Test is $180 USD which includes a lab report and her detailed interpretation with nutrition recommendations.