I Have Really Short Hair

My hair is very short – I do not cut it, I buzz it. Can I buzz my entire head, not just the back as you recommend, but the front, also? Will this give you the amount of hair needed for the hair test?

This will provide a perfect sample for men and women with short hair (buzzed, I mean). Gather up all the clippings from a full buzz cut. This provides the most recent growth from all over your head, it secures that you can satisfy the 1-tablespoon needed by our lab, and it also secures a recent health reading for you.

Your situation is actually ideal. Buzz away!

Lets Get Started

Dr. Hull's Hair Test is $180 USD which includes a lab report and her detailed interpretation with nutrition recommendations.

About Dr. Janet Starr Hull

Janet Starr Hull, PhD, CN has been offering the hair analysis service since 1995. She is the leading expert in environmental toxicology and holistic health and nutrition. Dr. Hull is the first nutritionist to offer the hair analysis through the internet. Connect with Dr. Hull on Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus.