My Hair Is Breaking Off

Q: I am a 37 year old African American. My hair frequently breaks off, and I wanted a hair anylsis done to determine why it breaks off. I do not use chemicals on my hair. It grows and it is very … [Read more...]

Can I Get More Than One Hair Analysis Done In A Year?

Yes. Dr. Hull encourages a follow-up analysis to see if toxins are successfully down and if depleted nutrients have been restored to normal levels. She recommends children and patients low in lithium … [Read more...]

Who Performs The Hair Analysis?

Dr. Hull has selected Doctor's Data to perform her hair analyses, one of the finest forensic laboratories in the USA. The protein in the hair follicle holds the composition of the body tissues for a … [Read more...]

Length of Time Between Cutting the Hair Sample and Analyzing It?

Is there a maximum length of time between cutting the hair sample and submitting it? Since the hair analysis was first used in forensic science, there is no time limit between the sample and when it … [Read more...]