Detoxification and Nutrition

Have you ever washed greasy dishes without hot water or dish soap? The dishes don't get clean, do they? When toxic metals and chemical food additives get inside your body, it takes a strong "cleanser" … [Read more...]

Hair Analysis – Providing A Roadmap to Wellness

Did you know that your hair has the advantage of long-term memory? Hair is a permanent record, like tree rings. A three-inch strand of human hair will give a six-month history of what's going on in … [Read more...]

Is The Hair Analysis Really Accurate?

Yes, it is. A hair analysis is as credible as a standard blood or urine test – maybe even more. The hair analysis has been used in forensic medicine for over a century. The key to a good hair … [Read more...]

Mercury Toxicity Sources

Mercury poisoning often goes undetected because the health symptoms do not necessarily show up immediately. Symptoms and Sources Mercury poisoning can lead to health symptoms such … [Read more...]